Oh, hello there. This is my personal portfolio website, though it is rarely updated and mostly serves as the public front-end for a few random things I attach to this domain.
I'm a full-stack software developer, but I've gravitated toward front-end web. I'm product-focused, down-to-earth, and I just like to build things. I enjoy working in industries where I can apply general domain knowledge about the business and market I'm working in to better guide what I help develop. What a final product is and how it is used is what matters utimately (clean code certainly helps it get there though!), and I view producing something valuable to the user is the most important part of my work.
I love the web. Apple products are great (my Macbook and iPhone are amazing) but I view it as essential to have an open platform for applications, agnostic of a particular ecosystem, and with open standards to make the code portable between platforms. I've participated in Open Web Advocacy. And the web is great outside your browser window as well -- tools such as Electron are awesome because they allow applications to exist that otherwise wouldn't exist on MacOS/Windows at all, and React Native is just really cool (and important to have as an option) in general.
For other side-project or "for fun" work I've published, see the Projects page, or GitHub.
Tools I use and self-hosted services this domain runs are listed on the Uses page. If you'd like to contact me or find me elsewhere, I have email and so on listed on the Homepage. Or, my resume.
This site is built with Gatsby, and hosted via Vercel.
As far as UI goes, this site implements and extends the theme Minimal Blog by LekoArts, with the following customizations: